Curriculum Vitae
Erl Pettman
erl’s Story
About Erl Pettman
After 50 years of treating patients, Erl finally decided to retire from clinical practise in 2019.
He has taught Orthopaedic Manual Therapy, nationally and internationally for 47 years and continues to do so through his new Institute, ASPIRE OMT.
Present Positions

- Qualifications
- Post Graduate Education
- Work Experience
- Educational Promotion
- Professional Awards
- Publications
Qualified as a member of the Chartered Society of Physiotherapists (MCSP), graduating from the Nottingham School of Physiotherapy, Nottingham, England.
Immigrated to Canada. Qualified for membership in the Canadian Physiotherapy Association (MCPA).
Registered as a teacher for the Orthopaedic Division of the CPA.
Successfully challenged both Part ‘A’ and ‘B’ of the Examinations of the Orthopaedic Division of the CPA.
Invited to be an Examiner for the Orthopaedic Division of the CPA.
Invited to be a member of the Board of Chief Examiners for the Orthopaedic Division of the CPA
Post Graduate Education
Various courses in orthopaedic manual therapy with teachers of the Dr James Cyriax (Physical medicine) and Alan Stoddard (Osteopathy)systems of OMT.
E1/V1 R. Walmsley PT., Kingston, Ontario
E2 and V2 with J. Oldham PT. U of T Ontario
TENS and Acupuncture course. C. Fowler, PT. Kingston, Ontario
Acupuncture course with Ron Brickey PT, D. Lamb PT, Toronto , Ontario
Courses with The National Academy of Acupuncture. Edmonton, Alta. Dr W Chan MD.
E3 and V3 with Martha Shivas, Calgary, Alberta
Vertebral Manipulation Course, Kaltenborn / Evjenth, Victoria, British Columbia
A series of courses from Dr F Mitchell (Osteopath) on ‘Muscle Energy Technique’ and ‘Cranial Osteopathy’
Vertebral manipulation, Evjenth / Stoddard / Hamburg, Canarie Isles.
Workshop on “Surface EMG” technique
Continually educating and updating with self-directed courses of study in embryology, comparative anatomy and neurology..
Work Experience
Staff therapist at St Helier General Hospital, Carshalton, Surrey, England
Staff therapist at Sarnia General Hospital, Sarnia, Ontario, Canada
Staff therapist at Northwest Physiotherapy Clinic, Calgary, Alberta. Duties included attending University of Calgary athletes (Calgary ‘Dinosaurs’), Calgary Stampeders Football, and Calgary Cowboy Hockey teams
Started own private practice as McCallum Physiotherapy Clinic
Retired from clinical work. Continues to teach and develop post-graduate Orthopaedic Manual Therapy (OMT) courses internationally
Educational Promotion
Instigated and developed the Canadian Upper and Lower Quadrant courses. These courses concentrate on complex inter-related and chronic musculo-skeletal dysfunctions. They are currently an integral part of the curriculum of the Orthopaedic Division of CPA and NAIOMT, and have been incorporated into curriculum as Level III courses.
Instigated and developed the Three Month Intermediate Manual Therapy course, held biannually in Vancouver, BC, aimed at giving developing manual therapists within Canada intensive supervised clinical instruction with teachers of manual therapy.
Founded the North American Institute of Orthopaedic Manual Therapy (NAIOMT), whose aim is to teach and develop manual therapy skills to Physical Therapists within the USA. It is one of the few instructional institutes recognised by the American Academy of Orthopaedic Manual Therapy (AAOMT).
Selected to represent Canada at a special meeting of IFOMT to discuss and demonstrate the differences between Chiropractic and Physical Therapy high velocity, manipulative techniques.
Founded ASPIRE, a teaching institute offering premium level orthopaedic manual therapy education and clinically supervised practise, leading towards COMT certification, Fellowship within the American Academy of Orthopedic Manual Physical Therapy (AAOMPT), and attainment of the Doctor of Science in Physical Therapy degree (DScPT) at Andrews University.
Professional Awards
Recipient of a CPA ‘Outstanding Achievement Award’ in post-graduate education with specific regard to Biomechanics and Clinical Reasoning.
Recipient of the Canadian Academy of Manipulative Physiotherapy (CAMPT) David Lamb ‘Golden Hands’ Award.
Recipient of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Manual Therapy (AAOMT) Kaltenborn ‘Teach I must’ Award.
Lifetime Membership Award from the Canadian Academy of Orthopaedic Manipulative Physiotherapy
Commendation from the District of Mission and inducted in the ‘Mission Sports Hall of Fame’ for services in the BC Winter Games 2014.
Awarded an Honorary Doctor of Science in Physical Therapy (DScPT {h.c.}) for his contribution in education, research and development within the profession of Physical Therapy.
“Stress tests of the craniovertebral joints”. Modern Manual Therapy. The Vertebral Column. 2nd edn. Grieves G. (Livingstone Churchill. 1994)
“A craniovertebral joint dysfunction following an MVA”. Clinical Reason for Manual Therapists. Mark Jones; Darren Rivett. (Butterworth-Heinemann. 2004)
“A history of manipulative therapy”. Pettman E. Journal of Manual and Manipulative Therapy. (2007)
“Manipulative Thrust Techniques”. Pettman E. (Self published. 2007)
“The Sternoclavicular Joint”. Neck and Arm Pain Syndromes. Fernandez-de-las Penas C, Cleland J, Huijbregts P. (Elsevier. 2011)